Canadian esports team EMG releases their weekly highlight reel for the best play in the Smash 4 scene, with an assortment of admirable runner ups.

Youtube content creator GRTr4sh brings together a highlight montage of the best (and funniest) moments so far this quarter in the Smash 4 scene.
In this hilarious video from Youtube group The Keef Crew, Keith tries to find a main in Smash 4 only to have his play roasted to a crisp by each fighter he chooses from the Smash roster.
Youtuber Shesez takes viewers into and through all the character and stage models of Smash 4 in this high-flying episode of his ongoing series "Boundary Break".
In this episode of his sweeping "Art of Smash" video series, professional Smash 4 coach Izaw delves in-depth into the art of playing goddess Palutena.
Top tier professional Smash player Dabuz guest stars in the self-deprecating humor of this hilarious video from Youtube group The Keef Crew that pokes fun at how OP Rosalina & Luma are.
Beefy Smash Doods covers a new Donkey Kong advanced technique that involves following an auto-canceled aerial with his down-special, which unexpectedly causes the down-special to be cancelled in the middle of the first ground slap. This can be used for mindgames, unique combos and micro-spacing options for certain angled/moving terrain.
As part of their staff voting "SG Choice" series, Source Gaming discusses their picks of 3rd party characters who could most likely feature as new playable fighters in a Smash port for the Nintendo Switch console.
In this humorous and hype montage video expert Samus mains MrDanish ButterCookie, YB, Kayjay, Afrosmash and Pyreeze demonstrate incredible high level 1v1 and team plays featuring their favorite bounty hunter.
EpicMartin7 of Source Gaming takes a closer look at the motivations behind recent trademark filings for several Nintendo IP's (including Smash 4) and whether or not it's related to an upcoming Switch port.
