In their second entry in an ongoing series, YEET Smash collects an array of overwhelming matches from throughout the Smash 4 competitive scene that end before you realize they've even begun.
EvenMatchupGaming highlights this weeks incredible play of the week featuring Fatality and Cosmos at Arkansas' "King of the Springs" tournament with a breathtaking Falcon footstool combo, along with impressive runner up plays from the rest of the competitive Smash 4 scene.
YEET Smash releases the second part of their clip collection featuring disgustingly devastating jablocks from across the Smash 4 competitive scene.
Beefy Smash Doods refreshes their tutorial on Smash DI with a thorough explanation of when to use it in order to escape Bayonetta's devastating combo setup attacks.
Youtube goofball IntroSpecktive takes a sardonic look at the disparate attitudes players bring with them into the two major online modes in Smash 4: For Glory and For Fun, to hilarious results.
YEET Smash releases their second montage in a series compiling amazing Smash 4 turnaround clips.
From Youtube comedy group "The Keef Crew", Keith struggles against his greatest, most formidable opponent in Smash 4 yet: the Super Weeaboo. Keith must overcome butchered Japanese, the Naruto run (Sonic did it first) and the Super Weeb's kawaii waifu main Lucina in order to secure victory... and his dignity. Because, you know, it would be pretty lame to lose.
All-time greatest Smash 4 player ZeRo begins the second season of his "Best Player" series where he names who he feels are the best players in the competitive scene for every fighter in the Smash 4 roster.
GRTr4sh produces a poetic dedication montage to, like, one of the greatest professional Smash 4 players, ANTi.
Keith from Youtube comedy group "The Keef Crew" humorously dramatizes the current debate within the Smash community over the state of Bayonetta in the competitive scene with an over-the-top showdown at high noon.
