The Smash Juku project was started 2 years ago for fans of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U to learn under-popularized techniques and mechanics that gave the game more depth than meets the eye.  With contributions of information from across the web we catalogued the largest concentrated repository of that information.  With the release of the latest Super Smash Bros.

Canadian e-sports organization EvenMatchupGaming begins an exciting new series discussing the history behind the fighters of the Smash Bros. franchise, this time regaling the colorful, storied background of Nintendo's infamous and iconic tie-sporting ape Donkey Kong.
In a sendoff to Smash 4 Wii U, cFive of the Beefy Smash Doods runs through 100 useful tips and tricks to know for every fighter in the roster.
cFive introduces a new advanced technique for Smash 4 that allows certain fighters to perform a grounded aerial from any platform ledge.
Smash news group Source Gaming runs through a translation of a recent Sakurai article regarding the inclusion of village simulator game Animal Crossing's favorite dog secretary, Isabelle.
cFive gives a thorough explanation of "conditioning" in Smash, going over what it is, when it's used, and how it can be used to your advantage.
Professional Smash coach Izaw delves into the finer points of optimally and effecitvely playing your favorite top-tier red-capped peanut-popping ape, Diddy Kong.
ESAM shares sage advice for how to step up your game in anticipation of the release of Smash Ultimate.
YEET Smash releases yet another impressive montage of incredibly fast stocks taken in Smash 4 from throughout the competitive community.
Nintendo of America highlights the Smash franchise presence and the growing hype for the upcoming Smash Ultimate for Switch at one of the biggest fighting game tournaments in the world, the Evolution Championship series.
