PushDustin and Spazzy round up this week's news in Smash.
The undisputed king of Smash ZeRo encounters a respectful gentleman of the pugilistic arts while gallivanting in For Glory.
cFive literally hits a wall challenging himself to both use and not use King Dedede's hammer in For Glory matches.
Keith sits down for a serious, nuanced discussion about the new Final Smash charging mechanics, how they compare with other specials in the fighting game genre and what their place may be in the Smash Ultimate tournament scene given what we know.
cFive runs through the short list of insights, techniques and approaches that professional Smash players bring to the game that you can as well.
Professional Pikachu main ESAM breaks down the recently released Panda Global Ranking for Smash 4 looking at notable runs that caught his eye.
Montage compilers YEET Smash bring together a collection of super quick stocks in Smash 4.
PushDustin and Spazzy of Source Gaming discuss the stages they're hoping to see return for Nintendo's next Smash outing on the Switch.
cFive of the Beefy Smash Doods examines an interesting behavior of Villager's pocket technique that allows him to completely remove an opponent item from play until he loses a stock while freeing up his pocket for holding more items.
Smash personality IntroSpecktive shows a fun new series of soccer ball trick shot challenges using custom stages.
