Lack of Miis in Fighter Section


I noticed that the Miis seem to be missing from the Fighters section of the forum. Is this intentional? I'm not sure because I was able to choose Brawler as my main for my profile.

Hi Hotquakes, welcome to Smash Juku, thanks for joining!  Actually it wasn't intentional, while I was building the site I wasn't sure if there were many players looking for Mii fighter information and whether or not I should bundle all three fighter types together under one page or separately, so I temporarily held off on making pages for them and after a while of development I just forgot to make pages for them.  My bad, I'll see about putting up pages for them when I get the chance!

Alright, the fighter page stubs have been added for Mii Brawler, Mii Gunner and Mii Swordfighter and should be showing under the Fighters listing, thanks Hotquakes for pointing it out!
