

When moving in a direction on the ground or in the air, the momentum and direction faced of certain B-special moves can be reversed.  The "wavebounce" technique is a more advanced form of B-reversing that results in momentum reversal but the direction faced remaining the same.

  • Must be moving in a direction on the ground or in the air
  • Not all B-specials can be reversed (e.g., counters can't be reversed)
How To Perform
  • Move in a direction.  This can be done on the ground or in the air.
  • Enter the B-special move you wish to reverse.
  • Immediately tilt the directional stick in the opposite direction.
  • If all is timed properly, your character will not only turn around but will also shift their momentum in that direction as well, effectively turning on a dime.
  • If moving away from opponent, can be used as an unexpected mixup to reorient attack back towards opponent
  • Reorient your character away from opponent
    • Can be used to escape away from opponents punishing you aerially, e.g. if being juggled
    • Can be used to land safely on stage by baiting opponents to commit to dashing towards a perceived landing position but then shifting away quickly in the opposite direction, effectively landing safely away from opponent, resetting neutral and regaining some stage control
    • Can be used as a mindgame to establish movement unpredictability and confuse opponents
  • When moving away from the stage, can aid recovery by optimally shifting momentum back towards the stage without using up a precious jump
Pros & Cons
  • Essential mixup movement option on the ground and in the air aiding in offense, defense
  • Can become predictable if overused, or if you misread the situation you might accidentally redirect yourself into the line of fire
  • Input mistakes can be lethal
    • If in the air arcing away from stage and attempt to B-reverse back towards ledge but it doesn't execute, might instead commit to the B-reverse while maintaining current arc and be condemned to fall towards your doom
    • If using to orient properly against opponent position, may instead fall directly into their line of fire completely vulnerable
